1L Kleanitize 70% IPA Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol
70% isopropyl alcohol (commonly known as ‘rubbing alcohol’ or Isopropanol) is a powerful cleaning solvent, disinfectant, and antiseptic. It is an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral agent which will sanitise quickly and thoroughly, destroying micro-organisms on critical or delicate surfaces, including PCBs, magnetic tape heads, optical and precision instruments, and living tissue.
It is harmless to most plastics, elastomers, or rubbers, and is free of CFCs, chlorinated solvents, and denaturants. It contains Deionised Water (pH = 7) in which carbon, particulates, organics, and other dissolved minerals have been removed during multi-stage filtration, ensuring suitability in pharmaceutical and biomedical manufacturing areas.